Chirurgia hlavy a krku


Registration closed

Early bird discount

Dvojdňový tlmočený kurz zameraný na chirurgické prístupy a chirurgickú terapiu patológie slinných žliaz, štítnej žľazy, stredného ucha (totálna ablácia zvukovodu, ventrálna osteotómia tymp. buly) a laryngeálnej paralýzy. Prístup k chirurgickej explorácie krku, ako aj techniky mandibulektómie a maxilektómie sú taktiež súčasťou kurzu.


Deň 1

09:00-11:00 Teoretický úvod – slinné žľazy, štítna žľaza, stredné ucho, laryngeálna paralýza

11:00-11:15 Prestávka

11:15-13:00 Workshop

13:00-14:00 Obed (v cene)

14:00-16:30 Workshop


Deň 2

09:00-11:00 Teória – explorácia krku, mandibulektómia, maxilektómia

11:00-11:15 Prestávka

11:15-13:00 Workshop – explorácia krku, mandibulektómia

13:00-14:00 Obed (v cene)

14:00-16:30 Workshop – mendibulektómia, maxilektómia


Early bird: do 01.11.2024 – 950€

Regular price: od 02.11.2024  do 02.03.2025 – 1250€

Last chance: od 03.03.2025 do 15.03.2025  – 1375€


Your instructors:

Mark Longley Mark Longley BVM&S MSc GPCertSAS Dipl.ECVS MRCVS
Mark Longley
Mark Longley BVM&S MSc GPCertSAS Dipl.ECVS MRCVS Senior surgeon, Pride Veterinary Referrals, Derby, UK

Mark graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2008. He spent five years in general practice before completing an Internship at the University of Glasgow. He then completed a master’s degree investigating specific patella fractures in cats as well as a Surgical Residency at the University of Bristol. He became board certified by the ECVS in 2019. Mark enjoys all aspects of small animal soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, but particularly enjoys surgical oncology and reconstructive surgery. He has been teaching surgical courses in the UK for many years and we are delighted to have him on our team.


Gorkého 205/3, 811 01 Bratislava

950,00  ex. tax

Course is not available. Contact us for more information

Chirurgia hlavy a krku

950,00  ex. tax
Course is not available. Contact us for more information