Gastrointestinal (EN)



Tento dvojdňový praktický kurz pokrýva diagnostiku chronickej enteropatie vrátane diferenciálnych diagnóz, typov a vhodných vyšetrení, ako sú biomarkery a biopsie. Kurz sa tiež zaoberá manažmentom chronických enteropatií prostredníctvom diétneho manažmentu, imunosupresívnej terapie a terapií modifikujúcich mikrobiotu, ako aj jedinečnými výzvami špecifických stavov. Nakoniec sú vysvetlené základy flexibilnej endoskopie pre vyšetrenie a intervenciu GI, so zameraním na manipuláciu s vybavením, odstránenie cudzích telies a techniky biopsie.
Teória kurzu je vedená v anglickom jazyku.

Deň 1
Prednáška 1 – Klinický prístup k GI ochoreniam u domácich zvierat.
(Anamnéza/Fyzikálne vyšetrenie/Diferenciálne diagnózy/Krvné testy/Zobrazovanie/ GI biomarkery) – BCU
Prednáška 2 – Prístup k chronickým enteropatiám u domácich zvierat: Vyšetrenia
(Klasifikácia/diétne pokusy/biopsie) – AD
Prednáška 3 – Prístup k chronickým enteropatiám u domácich zvierat: Manažment – AD
Prednáška 4 – Enteropatie u mačiek – AD

Praktické cvičenia
▪ Učenie na základe prípadov
• Mačacie prípady
• Eozinofilná enteropatia
• Granulomatózna kolitída
▪ Model GI od Royal Canin
• Flexibilná endoskopia
• Odstraňovanie cudzích telies

Deň 2
Prednáška 5 – Špecifiká enteropatie so stratou proteínov – BCU
Prednáška 6 – Mikrobiom v zdraví a chorobe čriev a stratégie modifikácie mikrobioty – AD
Prednáška 7 – Prístup k psovi so zvracaním – BCU
Prednáška 8 – Kŕmne sondy: kedy? Ktoré? Ako? Komplikácie? – BCU

Praktické cvičenia
▪ Endoskopia na kadáveroch:
• Odoberanie biopsií
• Nafukovanie
• Oesofagoskopia
• Kolonoskopia
▪ Kŕmna sonda
• Oesofagostómia

Cena kurzu:

Early bird: do 01.09.2025 – 990€

Regular price: od 2.09.2025  do 8.1.2025 – 1100€

Last chance: po 9.1.2025 – 1200€

Your instructors:

Antoine Duclos Antoine Duclos DrVét DipECVIM-CA
Antoine Duclos
Antoine Duclos DrVét DipECVIM-CA senior clinician, UCD Veterinary Hospital, Dublin, Ireland

Antoine graduated from Alfort National Veterinary School, France in 2017. After completing a rotating internship and a specialized internal medicine internship in French teaching hospitals, he worked in Advetia, a busy referral hospital in Paris. He then completed an Internal Medicine residency at the UCD Veterinary Hospital, Dublin (Ireland). Concurrently, he completed a thesis on canine immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia as part of a professional Doctorate of Veterinary Medical Specialisation (DVMS). In 2024, he successfully passed the certifying exam to obtain the ECVIM diplomate status, and currently works as a senior clinician in UCD Veterinary Hospital, Dublin (Ireland). Antoine really enjoys all aspects of small animal internal medicine. His main interests are haematology, immune-mediated disease and endocrine diseases.

Benoît Cuq Benoît Cuq DrVét Ph.D. DipACVIM-SAIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS
Benoît Cuq
Benoît Cuq DrVét Ph.D. DipACVIM-SAIM DipECVIM-CA MRCVS Assistant professor and the discipline leader for Internal Medicine at the University College Dublin, Ireland

Benoît graduated from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (France). After a one year Clinical Pathology Specialty Internship in Toulouse and two rotating internships (Université de Montréal and tthe Ontario Veterinary College), Benoît completed a Small Animal Internal Medicine Residency and a PhD on canine immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia at the Ontario Veterinary College. Benoît is an American and European Board Certified Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Benoît worked as a clinician at the Ontario Veterinary College and the Université de Montréal as well as in private practices in Ontario, Quebec and England. Benoît is now an assistant professor and the discipline leader for Internal Medicine at the University College Dublin (Ireland). His areas of interest and research include haematological and immune-mediated disorders, bone marrow diseases as well as urology/nephrology. Benoît is really interested in endoscopy and minimally invasive treatments via interventional radiology/endoscopy in companion animals. Benoît is an active member of the American and European societies of veterinary nephrology and urology (ASVNU and ESVNU) as well as the Veterinary Interventional Radiology and Interventional Endoscopy Society (VIRIES).


Gorkého 205/3, 811 01 Bratislava

1100,00  ex. tax

Gastrointestinal (EN)

1100,00  ex. tax