Neurochirurgia (SK/CZ)
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Viktor Paluš
MVDr., Dipl.ECVN, RCVS Specialist in Veterinary Neurology
Clinical director, Neurology consultant, NeuroVet Trenčín, Slovakia
Viktor graduated from the Veterinary University in Košice in 2005. He completed his neurology specialist training at Dick White Referrals (UK) where he also served as a consultant in Neurology alongside serving as Honorary Assoc. Professor at the University of Nottingham. In 2017 he set up a Neurological referral centre in Trenčín (SK) where he is currently clinical director. He has published widely in the field of small animal neurology and is currently also undergoing a PhD. programme at the University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno (CZ).
Gorkého 205/3, 811 01 Bratislava
1450,00 € ex. tax