Veterinary Nursing



Tento trojdňový, simultánne tlmočený kurz je určený pre veterinárnych asistentov/ veterinárne sestry, ktorí majú záujem rozvinúť a zdokonaliť svoje odborné znalosti a zručnosti. Inštruktorky sú veterinárne sestry s bohatým postgraduálnym vzdelaním a mnohoročnými skúsenosťami, pracujúce v modernej veterinárnej ortopedickej nemocnici v Manchestri, v Spojenom Kráľovstve. Kurz bude zahŕňať mnohé aspekty veterinárnej starostlivosti, vrátane:

DEŇ 1:

Veterinárna starostlivosť:


– Starostlivosť o hospitalizovaného pacienta

– Bezpečnosť pacienta

– Výživa pacienta

– Starostlivosť o katétre a sondy

– Monitorovanie bolesti (Glasgow pain score a iné)

– Multimodálna analgézia


Praktické cvičenia:

– Aplikácia intravenóznej kanyly

– Výpočet dávky intravenóznej terapie

– Odber krvi


– Bandážovacie techniky

– Manažment obväzov

DEŇ 2:

Anestézia a sedácia:

– Farmakológia

– Vedľajšie účinky

– Výpočet dávok

– Roviny anestézie

– Intubácia

– Výber vhodného anestetického okruhu

– Bezpečnostná kontrola anestetického prístroja

– Prebratie z anestézie

– Anestetické monitorovanie – tlak, pulz, kapnografia, EKG

– Manažment hypotermie v anestézii

– Manažment hypotenzie v anestézii

– Manažment hyperkapnie v anestézii

DEŇ 3:

Starostlivosť o kritického pacienta, príprava na operáciu, rádiografia:


– Dilatácia a torzia žalúdka

– Dystokia

– Poruchy dýchania

– Kardiopulmonárna resuscitácia


Príprava pacienta na operáciu:

– Príprava pacienta

– Správne nasadenie rukavíc a operač. plášťa

– Štvorštvrťové zakrytie pacienta a príprava nástrojov


– Základy polohovania

Your instructors:

Nicola Waring Nicola Waring BSc (Hons) RVN HE Dip CVN HE Dip AVN HE Dip Ed QTLD
Nicola Waring
Nicola Waring BSc (Hons) RVN HE Dip CVN HE Dip AVN HE Dip Ed QTLD Manchester Veterinary Specialists, UK

After qualifying in 2003 Nicola’s career has seen her travel across the world practicing as a veterinary Nurse. Whilst in Australia, Nicola developed a passion for referral work, specifically anaesthesia and surgical nursing. Since returning to the UK, Nicola has continued to study and develop interests in anaesthesia, pain management, emergency and critical care and surgical nursing. Since qualifying as a Veterinary Nurse Nicola has completed the HE Diploma in education, HE Diploma in Clinical Veterinary Nursing, HE Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (anaesthesia and surgical), QTLS and BSc (Hons) in Clinical Veterinary Nursing. Nicola gained recognition for her dissertation in 2014 winning ‘Thesis of the Year’.  As well as being a Clinical Supervisor for student Veterinary nurses, Nicola is a qualified teacher has lectured at numerous conferences in the UK and overseas. She has also written numerous journal articles, including a published study comparing analgesic agents post orthopaedic surgery. 

Paula Hill Paula Hill RVN VTS
Paula Hill
Paula Hill RVN VTS Manchester Veterinary Specialists, UK

Paula qualified as Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2000. Shortly afterwards she moved to a 24-hour animal hospital where she developed a strong interest in emergency and critical care work. Paula gained a plethora of experience in this area and wanted to expand her knowledge further. This then lead her on to work in the referral sector, and it is here where she developed her passion for anaesthesia. In 2012 Paula gained accreditation as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in Anaesthesia and Analgesia. Paula enjoys sharing her knowledge with fellow colleagues and has had the opportunity to speak at national and international events. She has had a number of published articles and she is eagerly anticipating her book chapter to be published in 2025 on Anaesthetic Considerations in Orthopaedic Patients.


Gorkého 205/3, 811 01 Bratislava

905,00  ex. tax

Veterinárne Sestry

905,00  ex. tax