The Practical Skill Centre For Veterinarians
Bratislava, Slovakia
Certified Courses by EBVS Diplomates

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Each course is led by an EBVS Diplomate to assure the highest quality
Our live courses are focused on hands-on practical skills applicable in your own clinical setting
All courses are peer-reviewed, certified and accredited by leading national and international educational bodies
The Centre
Visit our educational facility in the historical city centre of Bratislava, Slovakia. Our facility houses a lecture room and wet-lab space with 10 fully equipped workstations, including portable digital X-ray. During our courses we aim to minimise long theoretical sessions and therefore are able to share skills and experience that are directly applicable in your own clinical setting. All events are led by European or American Diplomates. You will receive a nationally and internationally recognised (VetCEE – certificate of attendance on completion of each course. We look forward to welcoming you at!

Wrote about us
Skvelá organizácia, priateľský prístup organizátorov aj lektorov, individuálne vysvetlenie kazuistík, možnosť vyskúšať si nadobudnuté vedomosti v praxi.
Instructor was very good. He has a lot of knowledge. The building is easy to find and organisation is done good.
Kurz bol veľmi dobre zorganizovaný, od info cez edukačnú prípravu a aj chirurgickú časť. Príjemné a profesionálne prostredie. Budem odporúčať kolegom!
Kurz a inštruktorky boli naozaj super. Obsahoval teoretickú aj praktickú časť, inštruktorky sú neuveriteľne vzdelané, otvoreé otázkam a diskusii. Obohacujúca skúsenosť.
Read more “Advanced soft tissue surgery – Liver and biliary tract”
Upcoming Courses

See below a list of our upcoming events with more detailed information in the pop-up window. Registration closes 4 weeks before each course; most courses will be limited to 16-20 participants to ensure key interactions with the instructors. Our events are peer-reviewed and acknowledged by VetCEE (EAEVE, EBVS, FVE and UEVP). In case the course is fully booked, please contact us to be added to a waiting list.
Our Philosophy
Upgrade your skills with our courses
Your Instructors
Our instructors bring years of didactic experience in academic and non-academic settings as well as many years of working as referral specialists internationally
Your instructors:

Karol graduated as a vet in 2012 in Kosice (Slovakia) with clinical rotations in Vienna (Austria) and has since worked in several referral centres in Germany and Austria. He completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) at the Free University of Berlin and became a Diplomate of the ECVS in 2020. Since then, he works as a Senior Veterinary Surgeon at Tierklinik Ludwigsburg in Germany. He is passionate about the newest standards in the field of orthopedic surgery, joint resurfacing and arthroscopy. He has wide-ranging practical teaching experience and is an active consultant for Arthrex ® .

Matt qualified as a vet in 2011 and has since worked in general practice as well as referral centres in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. He completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) at the University of Bristol in 2019 and became board-certified by the ECVS in 2020. He is passionate about orthopaedic surgery, clinical research and high-quality education. He has experience with teaching vets in the UK and Europe since 2016. He works as an orthopaedic consultant at Manchester Veterinary Specialists in the UK. His clinical interests are elective joint surgery and arthroscopy. He is also a member of an ECVS Examination subcommittee.

Benoît graduated from the National Veterinary School of Toulouse (France). After a one year Clinical Pathology Specialty Internship in Toulouse and two rotating internships (Université de Montréal and tthe Ontario Veterinary College), Benoît completed a Small Animal Internal Medicine Residency and a PhD on canine immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia at the Ontario Veterinary College. Benoît is an American and European Board Certified Specialist in Small Animal Internal Medicine recognised by the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons. Benoît worked as a clinician at the Ontario Veterinary College and the Université de Montréal as well as in private practices in Ontario, Quebec and England. Benoît is now an assistant professor and the discipline leader for Internal Medicine at the University College Dublin (Ireland). His areas of interest and research include haematological and immune-mediated disorders, bone marrow diseases as well as urology/nephrology. Benoît is really interested in endoscopy and minimally invasive treatments via interventional radiology/endoscopy in companion animals. Benoît is an active member of the American and European societies of veterinary nephrology and urology (ASVNU and ESVNU) as well as the Veterinary Interventional Radiology and Interventional Endoscopy Society (VIRIES).

Slavka qualified as a general vet in 2009 from University of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacy in Kosice Slovakia after which she remained in general practice for a couple of years before moving to England to pursue further career options. She has worked at Southfields Veterinary Specialists (formerly VRCC), where she undertook a rotating and oncology internship and completed a residency in small animal oncology. After her residency she stayed in the same practice for a few more years before moving up North of England to Wear referrals. Slavka achieved the European Diploma in Veterinary Internal Medicine (Oncology) in 2023. Slavka enjoys all aspects of oncology and in particular a multidisciplinary approach to patients. She is passionate about patients’ quality of life throughout cancer treatments. Outside of work, Slavka enjoys exploring nature’s wonders in the North of England and she also enjoys travelling around the world.

Jan graduated from the Veterinary University Brno in 1994. He continued his postgraduate studies at the Small Animal Surgery and Radiology Department at the same university for another three years. Jan joined the team of the first private referral clinic Klinika Jaggy in the Czech Republic and he was working there until 2010. He moved to the United Kingdom in December 2010 and worked at Rutland House Referrals in St Helens till September 2020. He became a diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeons in 2018. Jan has been working at Kentdale Referrals (UK) since October 2020. He is an author of two textbooks of orthopaedic radiology and thoracic radiology of small animals. His work has been focused on minimal invasive surgery; his routine caseload involves neurosurgery, orthopaedics and soft tissue surgery.

Antoine graduated from Alfort National Veterinary School, France in 2017. After completing a rotating internship and a specialized internal medicine internship in French teaching hospitals, he worked in Advetia, a busy referral hospital in Paris. He then completed an Internal Medicine residency at the UCD Veterinary Hospital, Dublin (Ireland). Concurrently, he completed a thesis on canine immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia as part of a professional Doctorate of Veterinary Medical Specialisation (DVMS). In 2024, he successfully passed the certifying exam to obtain the ECVIM diplomate status, and currently works as a senior clinician in UCD Veterinary Hospital, Dublin (Ireland). Antoine really enjoys all aspects of small animal internal medicine. His main interests are haematology, immune-mediated disease and endocrine diseases.

Frane graduated in veterinary medicine from the Vetsuisse faculty of the University of Zurich, Switzerland, in 2015. After initially working in the private sector and as a Swiss army vet, he started his doctoral thesis in small animal cardiology at the University of Zurich in the area of cardiovascular effects of physical activity in sporting dogs. In 2017, he started a rotational internship with specialty focus in cardiology, which led him in 2018 to the ECVIM-CA specialisation programme (cardiology), which was successfully completed in 2022. Frane then started working as a freelance cardiologist in several centres in Switzerland, offering on-site consultations in the French- and German-speaking regions and in the canton of Ticino, through his company 'VetMeister'. In April 2022, he served for six months at the University of Zurich in the Department of Endocrinology, acquiring further advanced knowledge in the field of endocrinology, while continuing to develop his Freelancer activity. From January 2023 Frane restarted the cardiology service at the University of Glasgow, taking the reins as head of service and participating in various areas of comparative research with the aim of further developing the range of services offered. Frane continues, despite its location in the united kingdom, to offer its services in the various Swiss regions.

Viktor graduated from the Veterinary University in Košice in 2005. He completed his neurology specialist training at Dick White Referrals (UK) where he also served as a consultant in Neurology alongside serving as Honorary Assoc. Professor at the University of Nottingham. In 2017 he set up a Neurological referral centre in Trenčín (SK) where he is currently clinical director. He has published widely in the field of small animal neurology and is currently also undergoing a PhD. programme at the University of Veterinary Sciences in Brno (CZ).

Florence graduated from the University of Toulouse in France in 2013. After two internships (France and UK) and a residency in Internal Medicine in the UK, she became an American and European Diplomate in Small Animal Internal Medicine in 2018. Florence worked in the pet food industry, using her internal medicine expertise to support the management of conditions where nutrition plays a fundamental role. She is currently a telemedicine consultant for US and UK Telemedicine projects. She is passionate about education, and her clinical interests include gastrointestinal and renal diseases.

Prof. Böttcher is Diplomate ECVS since 2004. He is a world-renowned expert on small animal orthopaedics, with academic careers at university clinics in Leipzig and Berlin. He is author and co-author of many scientific articles and textbook chapters - notably on pivotal topics in elbow mechanics. He serves as a regular lecturer at conferences and workshops worldwide. Peter is a senior consultant for Arthrex and owns a company pioneering patient-specific orthopaedic implants. We are honoured to welcome him amongst our lecturers.

Marta graduated as a vet in 2011. She then worked as a laboratory and clinical anaesthetist at the University of Vienna until 2013, followed by a small animal anaesthesia internship at the University of Pennsylvania. She completed her anaesthesia residencey at the University of Zurich and currently works as a clinical anaesthetist at the University of Bern, Switzerland.

Massimo graduated from the University of Bologna with a thesis on Hip dysplasia in dogs. He specialized in Veterinary Radiology at the University of Turin. He won the Resident Prize at the EAVDI/ECVDI European Congress, Murcia 2002, as best presentation on: “CT-guided biopsies in the skeleton. To date, he is author/co-author of 257 scientific works, of which 124 have been published in scientific journals. He is Diplomate of the European College of Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI), Editor and/or Co-author of the books: “Radiology of the dog and cat”, Poletto Editore, 2005, “Veterinary Computed Tomoghraphy”, Edited by T. Schwarz and J. Saunders, 2011, “Manual of first aid and traumatology in small animals”, Viganò, 2013, “Atlas of Diagnostic Imaging of the Dogs and Cats”, M. Vignoli, J. Graham, 2022. He served as president of the Italian Society of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (SVIDI) 2001-2004 and has been member of various ECVDI Committees over the years. He serves as full Professor at the University of Teramo. Massimo is a highly accomplished radiologist with a profound experience in teaching and we are delighted to welcome him on the Team in 2024.

Daria graduated from Wroclaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences in 2011. After working in small animal practices in Poland, Ireland and Wales she completed a rotating internship at a busy private referral practice in Cambridgeshire and a specialty internship at the University of Edinburgh. Daria then completed a residency in Emergency and Critical Care at the Royal Veterinary College and became a Diplomate of the American College of Emergency and Critical Care (DACVECC). Daria is now a Senior Lecturer in Small Animal Emergency and Critical Care at the Royal (Dick) School of Veterinary Studies in Edinburgh. She is interested in all aspects of emergency medicine and intensive care, although is keen to focus on sepsis and care of patients with severe and life-threatening conditions. Outside of work, Daria enjoys exploring the beauty of Scottish nature and culture.

Mark graduated from the University of Edinburgh in 2008. He spent five years in general practice before completing an Internship at the University of Glasgow. He then completed a master’s degree investigating specific patella fractures in cats as well as a Surgical Residency at the University of Bristol. He became board certified by the ECVS in 2019. Mark enjoys all aspects of small animal soft tissue and orthopaedic surgery, but particularly enjoys surgical oncology and reconstructive surgery. He has been teaching surgical courses in the UK for many years and we are delighted to have him on our team.

Francesco Cian graduated from the University of Padua (Italy) with a DVM in 2006. He spent the next four years in small animal practice in Italy. In 2010, he started a residency program in Clinical Pathology at the University of Cambridge (UK), which he finished in 2013, attaining both ECVCP and FRCPath diplomas. He joined the Animal Health Trust (AHT) in 2013 as Head of Clinical Pathology. Since 2015, he has been Senior Clinical Pathologist for BattLab (LABOKLIN) and collaborates with several digital cytology laboratories based in Europe, the USA, and Asia. Francesco is the current secretary of the European College of Veterinary Clinical Pathology (ECVCP) and a member of the cytology exam committee for the same college. He is author of several publications in peer-reviewed journals and is the editor of three cytology books. He is a passionate educator and actively collaborates with several educational companies, providing postgraduate education in cytology to veterinarians.

Will graduated from the Royal Veterinary College in 2010 and has since worked in multiple small animal hospitals across the UK whilst also completing a rotating internship at Willows in 2012. He completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) and clinical masters degree (MSc) at Bristol Veterinary School in 2019, after which he returned to Willows where he currently heads up the Soft Tissue Surgery department. He became a European Specialist (Diplomate ECVS) in 2020. Will is an extremely knowledgeable clinician with a breadth of surgical experience and we are delighted for him to joint our team of instructors. At work he enjoys thoracic emergency surgery and has been teaching workhops for vets for many years.

Omri graduated from the University of Kosice (Slovakia) in 2011. He spent 3 years in general practice in Israel and the UK before completing a rotational internship in a busy multidisciplinary hospital in the midlands UK. He joined Southern Counties Veterinary Specialists as a cardiology intern in 2016 and during his internship he completed a post graduate certificate in veterinary cardiology at the university of Liverpool. Omri completed a cardiology residency in 2020 and was subsequently awarded a European Diploma in Veterinary Cardiology. While interested in all aspects of small animal cardiology, Omri has a particular interest in congenital cardiac diseases, interventional cardiology and arrhythmias.

Renata Stavinohova graduated from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno, Czech Republic in 2008. After completion of PhD at the same institution, she spent some years gaining surgical and medical experience in the UK before completing a rotating internship and an ophthalmology internship at the Animal Health Trust. In 2017, Renata was awarded a BSAVA Postgraduate Certificate in Small Animal Ophthalmology with distinction. Subsequently, she completed an ECVO-approved residency at Dick White Referrals and became an ECVO Diplomate in 2021. She currently works as an ophthalmologist at Lumbry Park Veterinary Specialists. She is actively involved in the teaching and training of veterinary students, nurses, and vets in their pursuit of improved understanding and postgraduate qualifications in veterinary ophthalmology. She also works as a Vin consultant. Renata enjoys all aspects of ophthalmology, from clinical work to research. She has a particular interest in ophthalmic microsurgery, neuro-ophthalmology, ocular manifestation of systemic disease and inherited eye diseases. Renata is a co-chair of the ECVO Scientific committee, and she has recently become a BVA panellist.

Pavel graduated at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Brno (Czech Republic) in 2011. He completed a surgical residency at the Free University in Berlin (Germany) and became a Diplomate of the European College of Veterinary Surgeon (Dipl. ECVS) in 2019. Simultaneously he gained also further titles as a national specialist in Small Animal Surgery (FTA für Chirurgie) and Small Animal Medicine (FTA für Kleintiere) in Germany. Since 2019 Pavel works as a senior surgeon, residency supervisor and small animal medicine program coordinator at AniCura Small Animal Specialists in Augsburg (Germany). He is passionate about teaching and serves as an adjunct lecturer of small animal surgery at VetUni in Brno. Pavel´s main clinical and research interests include traumatology and advanced soft tissue surgery.

Filippo graduated from the University of Bologna (Italy) in 2009. After qualifying, he worked in general practice and whilst working towards his Ph.D. Filippo worked as a surgeon in the 24-hour University Teaching Hospital. In 2018 he completed and achieved the Certificate in Small Animal Soft Tissue Surgery (GPCert-SASTS). Filippo completed a three-year ECVS approved residency in small animal surgery at the Centro Veterinario Luni and Clinica Veterinaria Vezzoni and he became a Diplomate ECVS in 2020. Filippo is author and co-author of several research projects and publications, presented at multiple national and international congress. Filippo worked in a referral hospital in the UK for 3 years before come back to Italy in 2021, where he now works in two referral private practices in the north of Italy (Clinica Veterinaria San Marco and Vethospital Firenze).

Giliola from Parma University. In 2001 she joined the Queen Mother Hospital at the Royal Veterinary College (London) to start a residency program in Diagnostic Imaging. She integrated her residency with externships at Tufts, Penn, Bern, and Liege. She was junior docent at Uppsala and Utrecht Universities. In 2008 She obtained the Diploma of the European College of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (ECVDI). In 2009 She defended her Ph.D. thesis at the Department of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging at Parma University. Since 2008 has been working with sport medicine experts on ultrasonography of the limbs in sportive dogs at Clinica Veterinaria Castellarano. She has been the secretary of the European Association of Diagnostic Imaging. She is past president of the Italian Society of Veterinary Diagnostic Imaging (SVIDI), and currently she is the president of the European teleradiology subcommittee for the ECVDI. She has published in national and international journals. She has contributed to three books on Diagnostic imaging and has been the editor for others. She loves to teach in continuous post-graduate education (CPD) in Italy and around the world. She is the director of the diagnostic imaging section of Clinica Veterinaria Castellarano in Italy, and she works as a consultant for Antech (USA) and Mylav (IT). She lives in the Apennine Mountains and loves nature and art.

Jan graduated with honours from the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in Brno (Czech Republic) in 2008. He underwent his specialist training at Fitzpatrick Referrals and became an ECVS and RCVS specialist in 2018. Since then, he worked as a consultant orthopaedic surgeon and later as head of department at several veterinary specialist hospitals in the UK, before returning to the team of Prof. Fitzpatrick in 2021. Jan enjoys all aspects of small animal orthopaedics with a special interest in fracture management, joint replacement, and revision surgery. Apart from his clinical work, Jan is involved in clinical research and training of future veterinary specialists. In 2022, Jan was elected as joint educational secretary of the British Veterinary Orthopaedic Association (BVOA).

After qualifying in 2003 Nicola’s career has seen her travel across the world practicing as a veterinary Nurse. Whilst in Australia, Nicola developed a passion for referral work, specifically anaesthesia and surgical nursing. Since returning to the UK, Nicola has continued to study and develop interests in anaesthesia, pain management, emergency and critical care and surgical nursing. Since qualifying as a Veterinary Nurse Nicola has completed the HE Diploma in education, HE Diploma in Clinical Veterinary Nursing, HE Diploma in Advanced Veterinary Nursing (anaesthesia and surgical), QTLS and BSc (Hons) in Clinical Veterinary Nursing. Nicola gained recognition for her dissertation in 2014 winning ‘Thesis of the Year’. As well as being a Clinical Supervisor for student Veterinary nurses, Nicola is a qualified teacher has lectured at numerous conferences in the UK and overseas. She has also written numerous journal articles, including a published study comparing analgesic agents post orthopaedic surgery.

Paula qualified as Registered Veterinary Nurse in 2000. Shortly afterwards she moved to a 24-hour animal hospital where she developed a strong interest in emergency and critical care work. Paula gained a plethora of experience in this area and wanted to expand her knowledge further. This then lead her on to work in the referral sector, and it is here where she developed her passion for anaesthesia. In 2012 Paula gained accreditation as a Veterinary Technician Specialist (VTS) in Anaesthesia and Analgesia. Paula enjoys sharing her knowledge with fellow colleagues and has had the opportunity to speak at national and international events. She has had a number of published articles and she is eagerly anticipating her book chapter to be published in 2025 on Anaesthetic Considerations in Orthopaedic Patients.

Julia graduated from the University of Veterinary Medicine Hannover in 2004, where she also did her postgraduate doctoral studies (Dissertation), a rotating internship and a Residency Training Program of the European College of Veterinary Anaesthesia and Analgesia, becoming board-certified in 2012. From 2015-2017 she worked at the Free University of Berlin as a senior clinician and lecturer in Anaesthesia. She returned to the University of Hannover to continue with her postdoctoral scientific studies in the field of Veterinary Analgesia and to work as a senior clinician in Anaesthesia, Analgesia and Intensive Care. Since then she is also supervising the rotating internship program of the Small Animal Hospital and has been the primary or secondary supervisor of several residents. Julia has a a special interest in the clinical training of students, interns and residents and profound experience in postgraduate education in terms of conducting seminars, webinars and lectures.

Mathias graduated in 2005 at the Free University Berlin, Germany. After he completed several rotating internships he completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) at the Small Animal Clinic of the Free University Berlin. He became a board-certified Diplomate ECVS in 2015 and in the same year he successfully finished his Master of Science (Small Animal). During his time at the Small Animal Clinic in Berlin he was responsible for the surgical education for junior surgeons, students and supervised standard ECVS residency programs. After 10 years of surgical experience in a university setting he moved on to a private clinic in Berlin where he works as a senior surgeon. Mathias is dedicated to high quality postgraduate education and organizes several national and international surgical courses, webinars and presentations.

Roxana graduated from the University of Timisoara, Romania in 2010. After a rotating internship, she worked as a clinical assistant in the Clinic of Small Animal Surgery of the VetMedUni Vienna. She completed an ECVS Residency program (LMU Munich & VetMedUni Vienna) and became a European Specialist (Diplomate ECVS) in 2023. Since 2022 she is working in private practice and enjoys all aspects of surgery, with a particular interest in soft tissue surgery and traumatology. She is actively involved in teaching and training students and vets in different countries.

Jakub qualified in 2013 in Wroclaw, Poland and shortly after that moved to Germany where he started his surgical internship. Afterwards he moved to Zurich (Switzerland) and later on to Gießen (Germany) for further externships in order to continue to study orthopedics and sports medicine. Shortly after he started his ECVS Residency in a referral clinic in Augsburg (Germany) and became a diplomate of the ECVS in 2021. Jakub is dedicated to teaching and is an active lecturer in Europe and the USA. He works as an orthopedic surgeon at the referral center for orthopedics and sports medicine VETACARE in Erfstadt, Germany.

After graduating from FVL VFU Brno, from 2002 to 2018 she worked at a private veterinary clinic, where she gradually profiled herself and dentistry became her only professional field. In 2018, she founded her own veterinary dental office in Písek. She is a member of the European Society of Veterinary Dentists. Since 2015, she has been a resident of the European College of Veterinary Dentists under the leadership of Dr. Jan Schreyer (DE) and Dr. Jerzy Gawor (PL), since 2023 she is a certified specialist of the European College of Veterinary Dentists. She regularly publishes, lectures and teaches practical courses at home and abroad. She is the co-founder of the Academy of Veterinary Stomatology s.r.o., which is dedicated to practical teaching of dentistry in the form of workshops and webinars. She is a founding member and chairwoman of the Dental Section of ČAVLMZ (Czech Association of Small Animal Veterinarians).
About was founded by two ECVS Diplomates with a passion for innovative education and the highest standards of patient care. This and our personal regional connection brought us to the desire to create a specialised institution dedicated to practical veterinary teaching in the Central European region. The goal is to deliver exceptional teaching of practical skills and sharing of experience with veterinary practitioners in order to continuously help maintain an excellent level of care of our patients. Courses are offered in different languages to enable access to a broad European audience. Our priority is to provide participants with skills they can translate into their own clinical setting.
Being fully aligned with pragmatic evidence-based medicine we aim to minimise dated teaching techniques including prolonged theoretical lectures and literature repetition. Rather we focus on the interactive aspect of each course and the sharing of relevant tips and tricks. We believe this to be the most effective way of learning and developing your skills. To assure the highest standards, each of our events is led by an EBVS Diplomate as well as peer-reviewed and accredited by VetCEE. Our collaborations with leading veterinary stakeholders allow us provision of high-end services and equipment for our participants. However, is 100% privately held in order to guarantee independence and a high didactic, scientific and overall educational quality. We are continuously adding new partners, as well as instructors in different specialties and progress and evolution of our premises are essential parts of our philosophy. Additionally, our facility is located in the vibrant Slovak capital Bratislava, which offers great potential for being explored.
Please browse our website for more information and a detailed course schedule.

Bratislava - the heart of Europe
The historical city on the Danube is within convenient reach from major European cities. Located between Vienna, Budapest and Prague we are optimally positioned to welcome a range of local or distant participants. Both Vienna and Bratislava airports are within convenient reach by airport shuttle
By Car
- Vienna, Austria – 45min
- Prague, Czech Rep. – 3h
- Krakow, Poland – 4.5h
- Budapest, Hungary – 2h
- Munich, Germany – 5h
- Ljubljana, Slovenia – 4.5h
- Salzburg, Austria – 3.5h
- Zagreb, Croatia – 4.5h
By Plane
- From Bratislava airport – taxi 15min, bus 45min
- From Vienna airport – shuttle 40min (train/ bus)
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