Úvod do techniky TPLO (SK/CZ)


Registration closed

Dvojdňový praktický kurz zameraný na biomechanické princípy a selekciu pacientov pre úspešné vykonanie TPLO. Teoretická časť bude zameraná najmä na posúdenie predoperačných snímkov a digitálne plánovanie TPLO. V praktickej časti bude precvičený mediálny prístup ku kolennému kĺbu, mini-artrotómia, posúdenie intraartikulárnych štruktúr, prevedenie samotnej TPLO techniky a jej vyhodnotenie.


Deň 1:

09:00-10:45 Teoretický úvod: ´´Biomechanické princípy, technika a plánovanie TPLO´´

10:45-11:00 Prestávka

11:00-13:00 Wet-Lab: Predoperačné plánovanie a precvičenie techniky na saw-bone modeloch

13:00-14:00 Obedná prestávka (obed v cene)

14:00-17:45 Wet-Lab: Mediálny prístup a prevedenie techniky TPLO

17:45-18:00 Záverečná diskusia


Deň 2:

09:00-10:45 Teoretický úvod do tematiky: ´´Miniartrotómia, traumy menisku, parciálna resekcia´´

10:45-11:00 Prestávka

11:00-13:00 Wet-Lab: Miniartrotómia a posúdenie intraartikulárnych štruktúr, parciálna meniscektómia

13:00-14:00 Obedná prestávka (obed v cene)

14:00-16:45 Wet-Lab: Zopakovanie a posúdenie TPLO techniky

16:45-17:00 Záverečná diskusia


Plná cena 1390€ (bez DPH) pri registrácii po 31.07.2024

Viac info o inštruktoroch nájdete nižšie na našej stránke

Your instructors:

Karol Bayer Karol Bayer DVM, Dipl. ECVS, FTA Kleintierchirurgie
Karol Bayer
Karol Bayer DVM, Dipl. ECVS, FTA Kleintierchirurgie Senior surgeon, Tierklinik Ludwigsburg, Germany

Karol graduated as a vet in 2012 in Kosice (Slovakia) with clinical rotations in Vienna (Austria) and has since worked in several referral centres in Germany and Austria. He completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) at the Free University of Berlin and became a Diplomate of the ECVS in 2020. Since then, he works as a Senior Veterinary Surgeon at Tierklinik Ludwigsburg in Germany. He is passionate about the newest standards in the field of orthopedic surgery, joint resurfacing and arthroscopy. He has wide-ranging practical teaching experience and is an active consultant for Arthrex ® .

Matt Matiasovic Matt Matiasovic DVM, PGCert, MSc, Dipl. ECVS, MRCVS
Matt Matiasovic
Matt Matiasovic DVM, PGCert, MSc, Dipl. ECVS, MRCVS Orthopaedic surgeon, Manchester Veterinary Specialists, UK

Matt qualified as a vet in 2011 and has since worked in general practice as well as referral centres in Germany, the Netherlands and the United Kingdom. He completed his surgical training (ECVS residency) at the University of Bristol in 2019 and became board-certified by the ECVS in 2020. He is passionate about orthopaedic surgery, clinical research and high-quality education. He has experience with teaching vets in the UK and Europe since 2016. He works as an orthopaedic consultant at Manchester Veterinary Specialists in the UK. His clinical interests are elective joint surgery and arthroscopy. He is also a member of an ECVS Examination subcommittee.


Gorkého 205/3, 811 01 Bratislava

1390,00  ex. tax

Course is not available. Contact us for more information

Úvod do techniky TPLO (SK/CZ)

1390,00  ex. tax
Course is not available. Contact us for more information